Macrophage biology

International research group

International researcher team include life sciences professionals from Germany and Russia. Intensive communication guarantees seamless functioning of the team mutual visits and exchage program is indispensible from expetise transfer.

Project leader

Prof. Dr. Julia Kzhyshkowska

Medical Factuly Mannheim, Ruprecht-Karls Universtiy of Heidelberg

Theodor-Kutzer Ufer 1-3

68167 Mannheim, Germany

Tel. +49 621 383 2440

Fax. +49 621 383 3815

e-mail. julia.kzhyshkowska(at)

Project leader

Prof. Dr. Alexander N Orekhov

Institute of Atherosclerosis (Medotel) Ltd

Osennya Str 4-1

121609, Moscow, Russia

Tel. +7 499 145 6767

Fax. +7 499 145 6767 

e-mail. inat(at)